
You are allowed to create multiple accounts, as long as you use them properly. Spare accounts for a purpose of breaking the rules are called sockpuppets.

What happens if I do this?

  • First Offense will result in a 3 hour block; your sockpuppets will be blocked for infinite.
  • Second Offense will result in a 1 week block; your sockpuppets will be blocked for infinite. We will warn about you on Community Central, so everyone can keep an eye on you.
  • Third Offense will result in a 1 month block; your sockpuppets will be blocked for infinite. We will continue to warn about you on Community Central, so everyone can keep an eye on you.
  • Fourth Offense will result in an infinite block; your sockpuppets will be blocked for infinite. We will advise people to block you on their wiki, even if you hated the wiki.